Mission Statement: our mission
Mission Statement: our mission
Mission Statement: our mission
Mission Statement: our mission
Zoos, aquariums and exotic wildlife facilities want to hire the best people to work in their organizations. Positions in our field are limited and can attract hundreds of applications for a single opening. Quite frankly – it’s a buyer’s market, so it is up to you to prove that you are the best person for the job!
No one can ever guarantee that a specific path will definitely lead to you getting hired. But, AMZAP network members have a great deal of experience and expertise and are willing to try to help you navigate the world in which we are lucky enough to be a part. AMZAP's mentorship program will match you with a mentor- send us an email or, if you qualify, apply to become an Affiliate member.
After contacting us, look through the list of current professionals in the Network of Minority Mentors. Is there anyone who seems to be a person from whom you could learn? Is there someone on the list whose institution is near you geographically? Do you see any career titles that look appealing to you? Let us know and we may be able to connect you with them.
Never hesitate to contact AMZAP with questions and/or interests and we will try to find the most appropriate network member to mentor you. A simple email connection could end up giving you some insight or direction that could change your life!
Gwen Cooper holds a rhea chick.