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  • What is the mission and vision of AMZAP?
    The Association of Minority Zoo & Aquarium Professionals (AMZAP) exists as a network of minorities currently working in exotic animal care and conservation disciplines. We strive to build relationships amongst minorities presently in the field and to increase minority representation in all disciplines and at all levels in zoos, aquariums and exotic wildlife facilities. We do this by offering outreach, mentoring and professional development resources to people of diverse ethnic and racial heritages interested in this career path. For more information about AMZAP's mission and vision, check out the About AMZAP page.
  • Who are the members of AMZAP?
    AMZAP members are professionals of ethnic and minority heritage who work in exotic animal husbandry, research, and conservation. Our members have a passion for working with exotic animals and a desire to connect with other minorities in the field. To learn more about our Steering Committee and see a list of current members, check our Network page.
  • I'm a current zoo professional. What's my place in AMZAP?
    AMZAP welcomes animal care professionals that are concerned with minority representation in the zoo field and are currently working in an accredited exotic animal care facility to become a member. Our members help us reach our goals of creating a network of zoo professionals while focusing on outreach, mentoring, and professional development. For more information, check our Current Zoo Professionals page.
  • What does AMZAP consider an "accredited facility"?"
    AMZAP recognizes the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), the Zoological Association of America (ZAA), and the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) as organizations that uphold extremely high professional standards of animal care and conservation expectations. Professionals working in facilities "accredited" by these organizations are eligible to join AMZAP as Professional members, while current employees at unaccredited facilities may be eligible to become Affiliate members. If you have any questions about applying to become an AMZAP member, please contact us.
  • I'm a current zoo professional but I am not of ethnic or racial minority heritage. Is there a place for me in AMZAP?
    Yes! Any full-time zoo professional concerned with minority representation in the zoo field and furthering the AMZAP mission is welcome to apply and Join the Network.
  • I really want to work with exotic animals one day. Do you have any information for me?
    Yes! AMZAP seeks to expose young adults from underrepresented ethnic and racial communities to viable careers within zoos and exotic animal care. If you're currently in grade school, high school, or college, please check our Students page for more information. If you're a volunteer, intern, temporary hire, seasonal hire, or just looking to join the zoo field, check our Aspiring Zoo Professionals page for more information. You can also join AMZAP as an Affiliate member and be matched with a mentor as part of our mentorship program.
  • I'm an intern or volunteer in the zoo field. What is my place in AMZAP?
    Join AMZAP as an Affiliate member! When you join, you can participate in our mentorship program and be matched with a professional mentor currently working in the field. AMZAP has resources for you on our Aspiring Zoo Professionals page as well.
  • I'm an educator and I have a student who is interested in working with exotic animals. Can AMZAP connect me with any resources?
    Yes! AMZAP seeks to expose young adults from underrepresented ethnic and racial communities to viable careers within zoos and exotic animal care. For more information and resources, check our Educators page. Resources and information for current students are available on our Students page.
  • How can my organization become involved with AMZAP?
    AMZAP aims to partner with organizations that seek to support minority representation in all disciplines and at all levels in the fields of exotic animal husbandry, research, and conservation. For more information about supporting AMZAP as an organization, check our Support Organizations page or send us an email.
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