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Chelsea Davis



Current position: 

Wildlife Care Specialist

Current facility:

San Diego Zoo Safari Park

Year zoo career began:

Chelsea Davis is a Wildlife Care Specialist at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Currently, Chelsea is a carnivore specialist and has the opportunity to work with Dholes, Cheetahs, small cats and Foxes! Her favorite part of the job is working the Dholes. They also happen to be her favorite animal because they are not a well known species and for that reason they have become a passion of hers. Prior to beginning her zoo career in 2009, she earned her BS In Animal Science from UC Davis. Chelsea also completed a 6 month unpaid internship as well as one paid internship. Chelsea would like to let those know looking for a career similar to hers, that networking is a huge help! It helps to know people in the field and also to be prepared to move and take on new roles.

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